.~…About Quilling…~.

Paper is a very forgiving medium and the best way to start is ... well ... to start. If you don't have quilling specific tools available to you, use a dowel rod or pencil to wrap your paper around. Practice bending and gluing different shapes together thereby forming other images. By investing in a few inexpensive tools and mastering a few basic rolled shapes, you can soon assemble them together to create all manner of interesting art.

Basic quilling supplies:

Invest in straight pins, a slotted rolling tool, a small mouthed glue bottle and colored papers. Just those few items will get you on your way. Use a white craft glue. I prefer Tacky Glue. On hand paper such as newsprint, magazines and printer paper are all good sources for practice quilling. Cut them into strips and practice making the various shapes before using your purchased papers.

Tools and Materials

A corkboard, small scissors, circle template and sizing board will allow you to keep your pieces uniform and provide for easier assembly of the whole project. Additional tools will add dimension and character to your work. Crimpers, fringers, and punches are only a few of the tools which have allowed me to enhance my basic quilling shapes. Experimenting with different types of paper serves to expand the creative possibilities.


Shown clockwise in the picture:

. • sizing template
. • small tipped glue bottle
. • straight tweezers
. • trim scissors
. • angled tweezers
. • needle nosed quilling tool
. • slotted quilling tool
. • ruler / straight edge