.~…my book – “The Set of the Sail”…~.

“The Set of the Sail” is, in some ways, a lot like quilling.  Ordinary words and experiences have been woven together to create a multi-dimensional work.  The book was written under the pseudonym “Andie Debbins” ~ a play on my real name.    I chose a pseudonym so that the book would be judged on its own merits apart from any association with me.
“The Set of the Sail”

Back cover introductory text:
“You’ve been there, haven’t you? You’ve ridden the current of life and marveled at its course. It certainly is not what you expected and yet it is so much more. Within the pages of this book you’ll meet Dee, a woman who gave up everything for her dream only to find that she would face abandoning it as well. “The Set of the Sail” is a story of vision, endurance and  hope. You will discover yourself in the characters and, perhaps, also find encouragement for your spirit. Like Dee, in letting go you will receive. A native of Western Pennsylvania, Andie Debbins’ life experiences mimic the rise and fall of the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains near her home. From incredible depths of despair to moments of indescribable joy, Andie’s journey has served to mold her into an insightful and steadfast follower of Christ. Her writings capture the essence of these struggles and infuse her characters with authenticity and purpose.
Andie, Mike, and their adult children still make Western Pennsylvania their home.”
The book can be ordered from me directly via email.